skate journal: Wind boarding with Fullertron in Longmont (April 8, 2013)

old man kickflip!!!

It was 64 and super nice on my walk to the car from IBM. There was some clouds coming, but it looked like a quick skate with Dave would be fun. But 5 minutes later at this little park by IBM the wind was howling and the temperature was dropping like crazy. We braved the weather for awhile though. We mostly skated this flat bank which you didn’t even really need to push for because the wind would push you up it anyway. Dave did the first kickflip I’ve ever seen him do and I happened to capture it right when he landed BOLTS! Ha. I couldn’t do a kickflip. I blame the wind for now, maybe soon I’ll obsess and blame it on the taller trucks, but for now, it’s the wind’s fault. We each did a few tricks. Each one was a struggle though as the wind was so intense. Dave did some switch ollies, fakie shoves, nollie shove reverts and more I can’t remember. I did some fakie shoves too and some bonelesses that felt really fun. I should do that trick more. We didn’t roam the park too much as everything was hard to skate. 50s on the ledge were super hard because the wind either stopped you are made you go way too fast. I tried to ollie up onto one of the taller ledges that I’ve ollied onto before, but I couldn’t even get close. That one felt like old age was to blame instead of the wind. Argh, my ollies were already bad enough.

fullertron boardslide

Then we did some boardslides for awhile. We got on halfway and it’s still a challenge, but it’s really fun how it launches you off the end. Dave got one to fakie too. At that point it was getting so cold we lost our motivation and called it a day.