skate journal: brief session at the alexandria skatepark (april 12, 2013)

After a long day of site seeing and walking in a rainy morning in DC Josh brought Bernie and I to this skatepark near his place. It was really crowded with high water pants, plant life socks and tiny wheels. We did a few boardslides and stuff on the edge of the park. Bernie had hurt his ankle before the trip so he was testing it out. I did a few early grabs off the launch ramp which was more air then I’ve got in awhile. It’s a tall launch ramp. I saw Bernie get a nice front tail front 270 out. I had a little line with boardslide the tall flatbar, b/s flip on a flat bank then front 50 a little ledge. I added a front 5-0 on it and maybe a crooks. I tried to lipslide a tiny flatbar, but kept cheating and it was basically just a boardslide. Got a 3 flip with both hands down and Bernie yelled 40! Ha. In the parking lot on the way back to the car I did a bunch of power slides that were super fun. Then we went to see Pissed Jeans!!!