skate journal: fort collins banks and slappy spots with a big crew (Aug 31, 2013)

Headed up to Fort Collins with Ollie, Neil, Blake and Dave. After leaving MRKT we went to the pizza place by the ol’ bank to ledge formerly known as the Pizza Pipeline spot. Ollie and I ate while the others started skating. Dave got a back tail. Neil back 180’d over the ledge and later did a really lofty melon over it. Blake and I tried from front smiths and failed. I also failed at kick back 50 after getting oh so close 2nd try. I blame Dave for getting the camera out. Ok, I really blame Chad, Jon and a couple other dudes as I started feeling really bad for shy guy Ollie being around such a big crew. Chadman put down a sick line quick though then a pretty monster backside flip. Next we went to the nearby alley wallride / bank to ledge spot. Ollie and I kind of hung in the corner for awhile. I landed basically not a thing. Ollie did some little nose stalls both ways. Chad joined us and showed me hoe much I suck at ollieing. We got the boot then ended up at the Kind Soopers bank to curb. I also didn’t land anything here. Ollie did some rocks. Dave did a bunch of rad tricks including a back pivot shove revert or something. So good. Blake was coming close to sugarcanes. Chad did front tail kickflip out and front blunt. Neil had nose manny shove. Last spot was the post office curb spot which ended up being really fun. Ollie had some mannies, front boards and ride on 50s. Blake had sick slappies. Dave did a really long ride on 50. I did a line of slappy front lip, back 180 off a curb cut and a fakie flip on flat. Tried a line of manual, wallie over a curb, manual front shove out, but didn’t get very close. Mike did a bunch of back 180s getting a little further each time. It was a pretty fun day. This journal entry doesn’t really do it justice.