skate journal: fort collins courthouse, filming, slappies (Oct 6, 2013)

After hitting Market, Blaine and I went to the courthouse where we were supposed to meet Chad. Blaine and I kinda cruised around and were trying the wallie you see above. I did a horrible one off the very corner. Blaine though. Oh Blaine. He ate shit so hard! Blood on the elbows and wrist hard. Chad showed and was landing lots of flippers right away. I wasn’t landing any and figured playing a game of SKATE with him might help. Nope. I almost got pink slipped. I landed a kickflip and a halfcab flip. That’s it. Geez. We moved on and ended up at a nearby city building with a gnarly narrow ledge to bench quick feet gap that Chad eyed up. Before Blaine and I went filmer mode we did some stuff into the double downhill handicap ramp. Blaine did no comply 180 and halfcab. I took awhile to get halfcab flip then kickflip. Chad didn’t get his trick. Doh. He was stressing too. I Felt bad.

Then we went to the slappy contest. It was a lot of fun. Lots of rad people. I only did a couple slappy crooks and front slappies. Other people were doing some crazy ones. Wallies, kickflips over the bump, etc. Rad, fun scene as I’ve come to expect from the fort. We went across the street for a bit to skate the euro thing. I ollied up it barely. Teagan joined and nose mannied it. Chadman tried to film a line with kickflip up, wallride and a back 180 off, but he bailed a perfect back 180. ARgh. Teagan almost switch tre’d the gap. Then we got the boot. Skated the slappy jam some more. Went home tired.