skate journal: trying to be as cool as derek (Oct 8, 2013)

Met up with Blaine and Derek after work. Went to 303 which took a long time and we got out around the time it turned dark. We went to the “The Only Spot In Denver” and were warming up when a motorcycle cop came by and threatened $200 tickets so we left. Some driving around and we ended up at the 9th & Santa Fe blocks. Initially I could not ollie up the main block. Partly because it’s tall and partly because it was really dark. Derek was getting close to some crazy tricks. Blaine was filming. And for that I was incredibly grateful and skated the whole time. I eventually got a few ollies up the main block. A few with enough speed to front 180 the gap at the end or do a little 180 pivot on the edge of the sidewalk. I was hyped on that. Going the other way I would try a flip trick then a noseslide on taller main block which was kinda fun because you had to gap in. I never got a 360 flip even when Blaine jokingly tried to film me. Chadman and Kit had shown up too. Kit used his pop to do some crazy lines right away. Going up hill ollie the far ledge, ollie the gap to the low block, up, up, manual. Going the other way ollie up, drop to front 50, almost die. Ha. Chadman didn’t really try much, but skated. He should have done the manual kickflip over the gap. Derek never got what he was really trying. Doh. This is why having Blaine around rules. Blaine is down to film. So sick. I had a lot of fun skating something harder then I would normally skate and it was a super nice night.