skate journal: Redhawk rules! Then filmer glen (Nov 10, 2013)



Brett front 50!


Brett Boneless


45 year old Fullertron crooks!




Picked Neil up around 11:30 and we headed to our favorite spot. This spot is known for having a high kick out percentage and there was a car in the parking lot. We were in the warm up process when the teacher came out, but managed to not say anything to us. Whew. Neil went to killing mode pretty quick. Manual the top main rock, nose manual the one right after it, kickflip, front lip or front tail the next ledge. I was jittery and feeling too excited to skate well. Ha, little kid syndrome. This spot is that good. Dave, Brett and Brian (Brian just said hello). We all got things going. Neil was skated extra good. I guess it’s the same tricks as last time, but they are awesome regardless. I didn’t land a whole lot. I did manage kick back 50, lots of crooks, fakie nosegrind, halfcab noseslide, front 50 shove, switch noseslide. I tried front lips which I’ve never done on anything this tall before. To hype myself up I would try kickflips up the curb, treflip coming down the little hill and then the front lip. I only got the treflip once, but man it was a good one. I got the closes on that lipslide attempt. Dave ripped. Manual the main rock, boardslide to fakie, boardslide to fakie 50 to halfcab out, front 50, front lip, some good slams on kickflips, and dropped to manual on the rock under the stage. Brett was the man of the hour though. He hasn’t skated since hurting his foot months ago. He came out and broke his board right away on a kickflip. Got super mad, chilled, then set up a new board and killed it! Front 50, front tail, front 50 180, noseslide shove, no comply bigspin off the curb, bonelesses, a lot more.

Then we went to a hip spot after picking up Derek where I did a couple kickflips before turning into filmer Glen. My feet were hurting like crazy because my shoes are too small. I can deal with filming much easier if I get some good skating in first. Derek got a couple bangers and Fuller got one too. Sick!