skate journal: Rampy with Carleigh (Jan 6, 2013)

sorry but this shoe is amazing

My legs have been hurting and I’m totally over shoes that make things worse. Aka thin vulcanized shoes. So I gave up the Provosts (mediocre shoe) and tried some Etnies Jameson 2s I picked up recently. But they are way too wide for my feet and my foot was moving all around and trying to come out of the shoe. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately for my pocket book) I had another new pair of shoes too, the shoe that proves I am a hypocrite. The New Balance Numeric Stratford. Yeap, the PJ shoe. I’ve been watching a lot of PJ footage lately and saw them at Meta and could not pass them by. They fit my foot absolutely perfect. Needless to say when I went back out to Rampy I was hyped to skate. I rode the ramp a bit and got the legs flowing and then skated flatground for awhile because I knew Carleigh would be over soon. Skating flatground with someone else isn’t possible on Rampy. These shoes flip a little different so it took some getting used to. I got a few kickflips and other basics then starting trying switch flips which ended up being ridiculously close. Man that would be cool. An uninspired Carleigh showed and we began skating the ramp. It went pretty well. We both had some good runs. Carleigh had front d’s, feeble fakies, and got close to front tail and fakie front 50. I had most of my basics and added a fakie crooks before hucking front feebles and kick back 50s which were both kinda close. I was surprised at how good these brand new cupsoles were skating. After Carleigh left I skated flat on Rampy for a few minutes to see if I could get that switch flip feeling back. Nope,