skate journal: Cold parking garage/lot with Fullertron (Jan 9, 2013)

Another winter night in the upper 20s/lower 30s. Not so good for skatebaording. I started on Rampy for a little bit to get the legs flowing. I had put some thicker insoles in again (NB+ ones) and I don’t know why. I guess for a few shoes now I’ve had a weird desire to put thicker insoles in and it never works out. I felt fine on Rampy, but they bummed me out later on. and I pulled up to downtown to look for something dry to skate. I was pretty tired in general and was gonna try and skate downtown Boulder, but Dave called and I offered to meet him in Gunbarrel. We were pretty desperate and ended up in a parking garage with some square parking blocks. I skated like piss. Dave had some moves. Lipslide boardslides to fakie, etc. I managed a line of ollie over a parking block, ollie up a curb, front 180 off, then switch front board to regs, front board to fakie. We checked out this weird polejam triangle metal contraption for a bit. It sucked. Then we hit a ledge that could be really good for awhile. Dave did a noseslide to manual and I got close to a slappy front tail to manual. Then back into the garage where we built the contraption above. Dave added a feeble on it too. I only did boardslides and tried to ollie this little barrier, but they were bad. Darn snow needs to melt.