skate journal: solo downtown boulder blah session on a warm night (Jan 19, 2014)

After watching the Broncos game with Ollie on a super nice day in the 60s I had to get out and skate. I stopped by Meta for a bit then rolled to the little granite ledge behind the parking garage. I like that spot for warming up. I could tell I wasn’t going to skate great. Whenever I skate it I try to do something I haven’t done before. This time I did switch front 180 to front smith. Not good or anything, but whatevs.


After some blah pushing/walking around I ended up here. It’s normally a quick bust, but since the NFC championship was going on I figured I could last. I started with a warm up line of ollie up the curb, kickflip on flat, ollie the 3. The kickflip took a few tried and i quickly realized there was a ton of gravel near the stairs. Ugh. I tried to clean it a little. Then I went for a line of back 180 up the curb, halfcab flip on flat and front 180 the stairs. Between the back 180 and the halfcab flip it took me like 30 minutes to get this basic line. Ugh. It did feel good to get it though.


I went across the street into this alley and found a basic line i wanted to try. Manual a curb high manny pad, ollie a little curb down a hill, then front 50 the ledge. The f’ing manual was almost the death of me and it took forever. I was getting so frustrated. I finally started to get them and I landed a manual, looked up and there was a cop walking towards me, I said hello and she said hi back, rad, I went right by her and ollied the curb, turned quickly to avoid a big pile of ice and landed the front 50. Cracking up at the fact that I just went right by a cop while skating downtown I decided I’d walk back and see if she was intending to kick me out. Nope, we talked about how nice of a night it was and she told me to have fun. Little did she know that after this I decided to try some flippers on a rough little section of concrete and got super frustrated again. I had told myself I had to do 10 flip tricks before I could leave. I got kickflip, fakie flip and varial flip quick. Nothing else came quick. I added halfcab flips both ways, fakie varial flip, 360 flip, heelflip, b/s flip and f/s flip. The f/s flip was horrible and the fakie varial flip and 360 flip took so many tries. Ugh. All in all a pretty bummer night, but somehow when you go out and street skate it just isn’t as lame feeling as having a bad night at a skatepark. The line passing the cop to the ledge was a great feeling.