skate journal: sucking at sol (feb 6, 2014)

On another very cold day I went to Sol right after work. I was wanting my typical after work nap and feeling very arthritic, but oh well. Bernie was there and after a few games of foosball with Allan, Bernie and I skated some flat. I was feeling so bad. Like I would never be able to do a kickflip. At first I kinda just did some slide around 180s. We started up with a game of SKATE though and it ended up getting better. I managed to win it on a nollie varial flip that Bernie probably shouldn’t have counted. Longmont Chad and another dude had joined us. They were ripping. After SKATE we messed around with some more flatground. I could not get varial heel, front heel or fakie tre. I tried a lot of fakie tres. Argh.

Then Dave showed and we skated the ramp. Man I sucked. Arthritis makes me feel so disoriented so skating that ramp when I feel so rotten is guaranteed suck. I landed nothing I was proud of and everytime I went to get back up on the deck my legs hurt. Bernie had fun. Lots of back 50s, front pivots, front tails and more. Dave skated good for him which says a lot. Long back 5-0s, boardslide fakies. His bag is full of tricks. Loved the b/s ollie truck bash, fakie pop rocks, so much more. It makes me want to get better at ramps. Chad skates the ramp like he skates flat. It’s so gnarly. He pops, hovers and commits. I’m jealous.