skate journal: flatground frustration session (June 19, 2014)

After work I played football with Ollie for awhile then unloaded ~600 pounds of skateboards. I was super tired and exhausted, but it was so nice out I wanted to enjoy it for a bit. For the most part I enjoyed it, but oh man I struggled with some tricks. Halfcab flips were gone again. Heelflips were impossible. Treflips happened and I put my foot on one right in the middle of the board and made my totally cracked board totally more cracked (totally). I hucked cabs for awhile. I really want to learn that trick so that I can eventually do cab flips. But I think I get closer when I try with the flip anyway. Got so close to many nollie tres. Kinda close to a fakie varial heel. Frustrating night. My board was so cracked at the end that I knew I would have to set up a new one so I took some frustration out and focused it. Felt good.