skate journal: solo Sister Bay skatepark early morning mission (Aug 6, 2014)

Woke up at 6 am. India is sick so she wasn’t getting up any time soon and I had time to go skate if I wanted to. So I went to check out this nearby little park. It was what one would expect, but the concrete is kinda rough. I felt like skating the ledge and flatground, but since it was 7am it wasn’t easy. The first few front 50 attempts were sketchy. There were a couple other boxes people had brought too. Tried b/s nosegrind across a really small one, but failed. Got a few ledge tricks. Noseslide, noseslide fakie, halfcab noseslide, crooks, back 50 (worst one ever done), front 50, front 50 front 180 out, front 50 shove, front 5-0, front 50 to front board, almost front 50 kickflip out. Tried to ollie a middle sized ledge that was there and failed. Got an ollie onto the ledge and noseslide the taller ledge off. Manualled the main ledge with a tiny tilt. Flatground went ok. Got a treflip or two. Halfcab flip, etc. Not liking my setup currently. Mostly I just hate how large my wheels feel which is pretty pathetic considering they are only 52s.