skate journal: Portrandia day 1! (Sept 11, 2014)

We made it to Portland! We flew all the way to Portland to skate spots like the one above! Ha, okay so we landed and had a couple hours to kill before Neil arrived. We went to a bank to curb spot and this was there too. The bank to curb could have been so good, but there was a truck in front of the good area. That didn’t stop Matt from doing some nice ollies, Dave from a pivot to fakie, Fuzz from an ollie I didn’t see behind the truck and a Jack front tail.

Then a couple of us used some piled wood to make this weird manny pad contraption which turned out to be a blast. I am writing this almost a week after the session so it’s really hard to remember what went down. Nate killed it though. Manual first try, nose manual, nose manual turned to switch manual down. So ridiculous. Carleigh ollied up and back 180’d in. Jack did kickflip manual, manual front shove back to manual and more. Chris tried some heelflips up and got close. Fuzz did kickflip up, back 180 in. Front 180 up, f/s halfcab in. I did kickflip up and f/s 180 in. Rob manualled it, no comply manualled it and I want to say nose manual too, but I’m not sure. Oh and back 180 up. I can’t remember what Dave did, but I think it was ollie up and back 180 in, maybe manual too? Then near the end Jack started a funny session off the little electric box into the bank. The box was about 1 foot longer then it looks in the photo so pretty much impossible to get speed. Jack ollied in and I think tail dropped in? Dave and I got dork and did 180s (he’s goofy). I added boneless 90 then took forever to land a funny feeling boneless 270.

Off to a really fun garage we went where we got booted faster then I could ollie up a curb (so we had a couple minutes there).

Then another parking garage where we lasted long enough for several people to do front 5-0’s around a corner curb before we got the boot. That was the end of the skating. Good start!