skate journal: indoor fun on a cold and snowy day (nov 15, 2014)

Another cold and snowy day. Carleigh, John and I decided to try Skatuary. We met Riley, Nolan and Scotty there. We arrived to a rather crowded park. There are two areas. A more beginner style room with some fun looking ledges and stuff which was pretty cold. Then another room with your typical skatepark stuff that was warmer. I played a game of SKATE with Scotty in the cold room. I was not feeling good on my skateboard. I think I landed kickflip, fakie flip, halfcab flip and fakie bigflip and that’s it. He got me with a bunch of his good tricks. Varial heel, nollie flip, a couple more and ended with a banger. Nollie front foot flip. How the heck do you do that one?

Then we went into the main room where Riley and Nolan were going as fast and huge as possible. Head high airs frontside and backside. It was so sick to watch. Riley’s boneless was insane. I had a backside flip on the flat bank first try. John took a few tries, but got kickflip to fakie way quicker then me. Especially because mine didn’t come until the end of the session. I got a few kickflips over the backside hip. Carleigh struggled with kickflips, but continued to have fun. We joked about how we drove and hour and paid $7 to no land kickflips. Riley did nollie heel back 50 on the pyramid ledge and about every flip trick over the hip. Nolan had a huge front 360, treflip and almost this weird nollie hardflip 180. Maybe a nollie ghetto bird? I’m not even sure. Josh Murphy was there ripping too. Super steezy kickflips over the hip and smith grinds across the pyramid ledge. Justin Greer did wallie back 5-0 on the pyramid ledge. Riley and Nolan skating the corner of the tallest qp was gnarly too. Pretty much every trick. Nolan did front 5-0 to fakie and an insane front crooks. Scotty killed the hip. 360 flip, multiple lazer flips, I forget what else. On the way out I did a front 50 and a crooks on a really good ledge and realized I haven’t ollied much in a week. Stupid weather. It’s good to know there is a snowy day option on Saturdays now though.