skate journal: random parking garage then little dry patch (Jan 5, 2015 day 5)

Hyped to have Ollie art on my new board

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on


Feeling insanely sore and stiff I headed to North Boulder to bring India to ballet. I had almost two hours to kill before having to pick her up. I had a new board (8″) with Ollie’s awesome artwork on the grip. It felt incredibly warm out, but that meant puddles everywhere. I went to a parking garage across from Ideal Market that I’ve been to once with Jack before. The upper levels were completely wet, but the bottom two were mostly dry. I did the downhill lap over and over, getting a bit techer each lap. I would go down a hill, turn and down the next hill bringing me to a stair set that I could walk up and be right back at the start. It kind of ruled for how sore I was. I started with slappy tails and 180s going down the hill. Then I started doing back 50s on the curb above, kickflips, 180s, ollies over the next medians. My last lap was back 5-0 on the curb, kickflip going down the hill, ollie a median, curve around and ollie another median. Then I played on the a yellow median like the one in the photo for awhile. I had a fun slappy front tail then fakie flip. A manual bonk into the hill. Got a fakie nosegrind which cheered me up a bit. At that point I heard people talking and I got a little freaked out. It’s weird going into vacant parking garages at night. Sometimes it’s pretty creepy. Turns out it was a security guard and I was getting the boot.

more vert

So I drove around for a bit looking for other garages and dry. I ended up noticing the middle school might have some dry. There was a small patch of dry near the tall ledge and a small section of dry to skate flat. I started with the ledge. It was one quick push then hit the ledge. I did noseslide, noseslide to fakie, front nose to fakie and front board. Maybe a crooks. Then addition of the new skate stoppers kind of kills the spot. I wanted to do a front 50 so I tried that. Forever. I’ve never gotten into 50 on that ledge before, only the smaller one there. It sucked. I took forever. I only got up on it 3 times. The last one seeming very easy making me wonder why it took so long. I had a few more minutes to kill so I went for flippers. Got a really horrible front heel, a slightly less horrible fakie f/s heel and a treflip that took me forever making me 5 minutes late to pick up India. As much as I struggled it felt great to skate outside in warm weather. It was 55!

(setup 8″ venture lows bones med bushing spitfire four 50mm wheels)