skate journal: research center (feb 8, 2015 day 39)

After driving down from Buena Vista and resting up a bit I got out to skate right as the sun was setting. Normally I can’t ollie for a few minutes, but I went right up the curb then did a noseslide when I got there. Also manualled the longer manual pad really quick. Went right into trying lines, but didn’t try to get tech. I like that little kicker thing at the top. Started with a back 180 over it, switch front 180 over the manhole, flatground kickflip, ollie up the curb, crooks the ledge. The wider trucks are so great for crooks. The one “tech” line I went for was b/s flip over the kicker, halfcab flip on flat, no comply front 180, switch 180, kickflip up the curb, did a noseslide (but I was trying crooks). Also started with pop shove over the hip and a kickflip after switch 180’ing the curb. Tried to manual down the whole sidewalk and didn’t get close at all. Managed a few sloppy back 50s before locking into a good one. Then thought I should try back 50 back 180 out and of course could no longer back 50. Tried a run of front 180 up the curb, fakie ollie on flat, halfcab noseslide and couldn’t get it. Did a couple front 50s, posed front smiths. I was pretty tired throughout the session from snowboarding/driving so I just left. At least I got my legs back in skate mode.

(setup – 8.25 venture wides bones bushings ricta crap wheels)