skate journal: sucking at longmont park (feb 10, 2015 day 41)

fremont represent!

Went to Longmont park right after work. I felt pretty good I thought. I took a few warm up cruises around the park doing nothing. The scene started to bum me out. There was a couple older rollerblade dudes. A longboarder that couldn’t even ride down a bank and would yell “on your left” or whatever anytime he was anywhere near you. And a couple kids that would try the euro over and over and not get even close. A couple other skaters at least. I thought things were gonna go decent and then I tried to front 50 a small ledge and didn’t get close. Ugh. I tried to not let it bother me and actually had a really fun line at one point. Ollie the b/s hip (I may have even left the ground), kickflip on the bank then crooks the ledge. Then I was trying to ollie onto the longer ledge with a bit of speed and failed so bad. I thought I was gonna get on it all good and all of a sudden I was doing the splits on the ledge and fell off it it. Ugh. That was when Fremont’s own Richard showed up. Great. I went over to the mellow bank at that point and tried halfcab flips for awhile. I watched Richard skate the ledge so good as a warm up. 50s and 5-0s super fast both ways. He went on to do nollie front crooks to fakie and the noseblunt you see above. I tried to skate it a little and sucked so went back to the mellow bank and tried fakie tres for awhile. At one point I was close and walked down the bank, but my board didn’t follow. It was just sitting there on the bank. What the heck? Turns out I blew out a bearing and my front left wheel was locked. I worked it out and skated a bit longer. Failed at the ledge some more. My legs were shaky. I think the cold front coming through really messed with me. I ended with an axle stall on the noping qp followed by a kickflip to fakie on the bank and called it a night. Good seeing Richard, he rips. I left very depressed. Some of the worst I’ve ever skated it felt like. Ugh.

(setup 8.25 venture wides bones med bushing crappy ricta wheels)