skate journal: boulder spots with jack and then carleigh (feb 14, 2015 day 45)

I was feeling very arthritic and sore. Ugh. Met Jack at Ques then we checked out a nearby cement pond that was unfortunately wet. Then we went to the bank to curb/ledge spot to warm up. Most of the time that spot feels really hard to skate and this day was not exception. Especially in my condition. Jack boardslide the taller ledge, wallied up it, wallie to switch crooks transfer and some front 5-0s on the little one. I mostly just did tricks that don’t involve ollieing like slappy tail, switch noseslides band a few boardslides. Oh yeah, kind of did a hurricane. Then we went to a gap spot for Jack. He tried to switch front heel into a bank. Got close, but never rolled away. Before he started trying I did a couple ollie to axle stalls. Pretty fun.

Then we went to the Research Center. I was still feeling like crap. Took a long time to get a boardslide pop out. Jack started doing the grind to wallride he wanted to film so we filmed that. He got it pretty quick. So sick! Then I asked him to try it again so I could get a photo and he rolled his ankle. Oh man I felt bad. Sorry Jack. What a weird one, we think he actually rolled it against the wall. Luckily it wasn’t a bad one and hopefully he’ll be late shoving again soon. I went and tried the switch front noseslide for awhile to keep the old guy #theglenandjosholdfartlongdistanceinstagramtricksuperchallenge challenge going. I always thought I was sliding further, but once again once I see the footage the reality set it. Oh well. Then we went to St Julien to meet up with Bernie, Riley and Nolan but they weren’t there. I couldn’t ollie much so started hucking bean plants then Jack hobbled over and filmed it. Thanks Jack! Carleigh had shown up too and did a couple steezy kickflips. I had a back 180 over it too that felt really good. Then tried to piece together a little line of halfcab flip then b/s flip over the curb. The halfcab flip was not working though and I got really tired. Then we just hung out a bit before going our separate ways.

(setup 8.25 venture wides bones med bushings no washers null wheels)