skate journal: blue skies early in the day, then longmont park after work (april 1, 2015 day 88)

Went to Blue Skies park on my gym break. It was warm and breezy. There was a biker when I got there that just sat on a bench and looked at his phone. Warming up was whatever. I like warming up with ollie to fakie on the big bank then doing cab kickturns on the little one. Then boardslides on the flatbar, front 50s and noseslides on the main ledge. Then start ollieing the flatbar and stuff. Since I was hyped on the new PJ ledge madness from the surprise NB+ edit I decided I needed to learn a new tech one. I went with noseslide shove. Ever heard of it? Pretty tech. Ha, seriously though I can’t do that trick and I spent basically 20 minutes straight trying it. I would eventually get it and it felt neat, but man I wish that was easier for me. I also had a treflip that felt good, tried boardslide shoves on the flatbar for awhile, and that was about it.

fullertron at longmont skatepark

After work I went to Longmont park. Rain was threatening, the wind was blowing and the temperature was dropping. There was almost no one at the park. I was sore so started by carving around the flow bowl for awhile which was pretty fun. Then trying to ollie the hips and stuff. Just cruising. After awhile I forced myself to back 50 the 6′ foot section which is scary for me. I got it after a few ridiculous bails. It felt cool. Then I did a couple bean plants on the noping and some front rocks. Dave showed up around then. The wind was going crazy and the rain was almost making it unskateable. It ended up being kinda nice because it kept the crowds away. Dave had a cool run with a long front tailslide on the bank, rock fakie the noping then a switch f/s ollie on the bank or a cab. Then we settled into a ledge session. I really wanted to do a f/s nosegrind as it’s been a long time. I ended up getting two of them and both felt great. Really great. Dave was trying lines with b/s crooks pop out then f/s crooks. He got close! Can’t believe he can commit to f/s crooks without a wall behind him. So gnar. Then I had to head home where I played basketball with Ollie. Whew, sore legs!

(setup 8.25 null venture wides bones med bushings spitfire f4 50mm 101s)