skate journal: broomfield birthday fun (april 11, 2015 day 98)

Drank a couple glasses of wine Friday night and kind of felt like crap on a day I was supposed to skate a lot. Ugh I hate having no tolerance anymore. Anyways, I met Bernie, Riley and Rob at Safeway ledge for an early bird session (11 am ha). It was a struggle. For all of us. I was there first and did the various “slappy” noseslide variation drill to get warmed up. 50s weren’t too much later. Rob was next and was going for front board 270 pop out. Crazy. Riley did a bunch of good basics and a few long suski grinds which was cool to see. Bernie had some funny early morning bails and came out with a front tail 270 I think.

Then we went to Broomfield park. Steve V joined. Riley, Steve and I skated the bowl for a bit. I actually dropped into it. Just in the mellow side section, but had some runs where I almost got tile in the deep side. Steve dropped in on the vert side I think. Riley was cruising lines with back 50s over the love seat. I’m never going to remember all that went on, but we mostly had the park to ourselves and it was pretty rad. Riley rips that park so hard. Rob and I were hyped watching the lines he would put together. Ollie up the ledge then ollie into the kicker, nose manual 180 the black box, fakie noseblunt the brick qp, front 180 nose manual the euro. Basically anything he wanted. Rob had good no comply tailslides on the hump. Bernie was doing manuals on the blue bank and just stopping in manual position and holding it forever. I skated ok, nothing really stands out. Got a line I’ve done before of f/s flip on the hump, front 180 into the bank, halfcab noseslide the black ledge. Then tried to do fakie flip on the hump then kickflip into the bank for a long time. I eventually got it. Then Rob and I went to get food.

Got back to the park and Jack and Carleigh had shown. I was in a food coma and felt more like sleeping then skating. Riley and Jack started skating the double set rail doing tricks back to back. Front smith then back smith. Front nosegrind then back nosegrind. It was getting gnar. They got to tricks like bluntslide front shove and bigspin front board. Man they were ripping. Bernie, Rob and I were skating the blue bank manny pad again. Bernie almost did manual front 180 fakie noseman down. I did a rock kickflip to fakie. After awhile a manny pad session started on the blue box. Bernie owned it. Front 180 fakie manual f/s halfcab flip out. Halfcab flip manual back 180 out. Riley had switch heel nose manny. Rob was doing switch boardslides. I was trying kickflip manuals, but mostly not landing the kickflip. Carleigh had tried back disasters for a long time then got a couple within a few tries of each other.

(setup 8.38 null venture wides bones med bushings 50mm spitfire f4 101s)