skate journal: not landing much on rampy, but having fun (may 5, 2015 day 121)

Another rainy night in Colorado. I headed out to Rampy for a bit. I wanted to try back tails and the dream was to do a TX Plant and a back tail in one run to prove I’ve really learned the tricks of the game. But the Texas Plant never happened. Every time I committed I slammed. Sometimes pretty hard. Doh. I got somewhat close to back tail stall. I had a few runs at first that had a lot of different tricks in them. Got hung up on hurricanes for awhile and never got one. Skated flat quite a bit too. Mostly trying nollie heels which were remotely close. Man I would LOVE to learn that one. Got a first try treflip and a few other flippers. Skated a little over 30 minutes. Didn’t land much, but had fun.

(setup 8.25 null venture wides bones med bushing stf 51mm nb+ stratford 479)