skate journal: broomfield park then lafayette ledges with a fun crew (may 16, 2015 day 132)

Another Saturday at Broomfield park. Awesome. I arrived first and after a few pumps around the flow bowl and quartapotty tricks I tried to skate the black ledge. Got front 50, front 50 shove, front 50 front 180 out, front 50 to brief front board, front 5-0 (intentional!), crooks, noseslide. I kept at it and would eventually get a back 50, a front tail stall, hucked front smith, a halfcab noseslide or two. Rob showed next and flowed around doing manuals super easy, front board pop outs, boardslides, noseslides, I think crooks, halfcab boardslides and switch boardslides! Riley and Scotty showed next. Riley’s ledge warmups were so good. No problem doing all the stocks and then turning around and doing them switch. Scotty was doing layback front rocks on the brick qp and other sweeper variations. He’s always smiling and laughing. It rules. There was a lot going on so remembering what others did after this is tough. Riley was doing tricks down the double set rail so I tried to ollie it. It felt remotely doable, but my window of opportunity ran out quickly as hucking down that wasn’t easy on me. There was a puddle that prevented the six stair from being a warmup. Unless I wanted to go way huge. I’m not Riley. I tried boardslide transfer to manual on the brown ledge for awhile and eventually got one. Going the other way I would huck halfcab flip noseslides on the blue ledge. Some were remotely close. I played a game of SKATE with Scotty. I got letters on him with kickflip tricks, he’d get letters on me with nollie and switch tricks. My tricks were sloppy, his were clean. He won it with nollie front heel. Dave, Simon and John showed. Simon did so many ollie variations on the steep bank. The nollie to fakie was my fav. We played on the quartapotty for awhile. Dave was trying switch blunt and couldn’t quite put it down. I took a long time to land a hurricane. Riley did a bunch of tricks down the double set (above). We went and got Chipotle. Or as everyone else says, Chipolte.

cracks vs ledges

Then I met Riley, Scotty and even Nolan at this spot. When I got out of the car I was so stiff. Man it was a battle to get moving at all, but I would eventually get going. It sucked the van was there to prevent lines starting with tricks up the curb. Of course Riley did a ton of tricks. Scotty was sore too, but started hucking hurricanes both ways and locked into some incredible front hurricanes. They looked so good. I never got front 50. I would get back crooks, noseslide, boardslide popouts and a halfcab noseslide that took awhile. The cracks kind of mess that spot up pretty bad.

(setup 8.25 null venture wide lights bones med bushings 51mm stfs nb+ pj stratfords)