skate journal: denver with rob, dave and my old friend arthritis (may 30, 2015 day 146)

Woke up with a sharp pain in my left knee that I couldn’t shake. I was also feeling very slow and arthritic. Ugh. I left early for Crisis and wanted to see if my body would let me skate. I went by Broomfield park, but there was some skate school going on and the park was mobbed with beginner kids. So I went to Safeway ledge and went through the various “slappy” noseslides. I even did a couple 50s. I knew I wouldn’t be skating well, but I thought I could skate. After running boards to Crisis and Emage I went to this bank to curb to meet Rob and Dave. I got there first, cleared out some gravel and started sucking. It took like 5 tries just to do an axle stall and like 15 tries to do a back pivot. Ugh. I probably should have stopped skating, but when Rob and Dave showed it got me going for a bit. I still didn’t do a whole lot, but got a few basics. Tried hurricane, but did feeble to rock which felt pretty cool anyway. Then I tried front tail on the “taller” curb for awhile and could not do it. Rob did it first try. Dave was doing back and front pivots to body varials out. I needed to take a break so I tried to get an artsy photo and came up with what’s above. Rob did no comply front d. Sick. Those guys both did a bunch of other tricks. After taking the photo I was a little motivated to learn one of the tricks Dave did all easy earlier. Halfcab rock to front rock. Maybe it’s called windshield wiper? We eventually got the boot. At least it seemed like.


Then we went to this spot. As we first showed up a large crew of younger skaters showed up to skate it too. I bounced because I was not in the mood to suck in front of a bunch of people. I just went and tried a line in the nearby garage of no comply over a parking block, ollie a little bump and manual a sidewalk. I went back after awhile. Tried a pop shove on flat and fell down. Ugh. The big crew left. I’m not sure what all went down, but Rob said the youngest of the crew did back 50 front 180 out all proper. Rob did crooks and boardslide pop out. and almost boardslide pop out to manual. Dave was doing long boardslides into the side, a couple good crooks and almost back feebles at the end. I got a weak front board pop out and an insanely weak front tail jib. I missed most of my flip tricks. I had a melt down after a failed ollie up the curb, swore and started walking to my car. Man, what a rough day. Arthritis flare ups suck. It feels different then it has in the past, but I probably shouldn’t have skated. Oh well, watching Rob and Dave skate was rad.

(setup 8.25 null venture wide lights bones medium bushings 51mm stfs nb+ pj stratfords)