skate journal: mannies, SKATE and switch flips (june 2, 2015 day 149)


Met up with Rob at this spot after a busy work day then kicking the soccer ball with Ollie. It was super nice out. I decided to try out some vulcs again because the NBs are too stiff for me. I had some old used Es Accents in my closet so I wore them. They are super thin. Basically the opposite end of the spectrum from the PJs. So that was a bit weird to start with. I managed to get manual, drop down the 2 then back 180 off. That’s it as far as manny tricks. Oh, and a nose manual sideways on it. Rob did the same and then nose manual the top part and then manual drop down manual. Then we played a game of SKATE that lasted pretty long. My flip trick game was off because of the difference in shoes, but that’s a lame excuse. Rob won the game. He got me on cab, back 360, switch front shove, fakie 360 shove, and something else I can’t remember right now. It was a fun game. I was hyped on how my heelflip felt and doing a f/s no comply 360. Rob left then I sat in one section trying switch kickflips over and over. I thought I would just do it for like 20 minutes, but it ended up being over an hour. I got super close a couple times and not close the other 100 times. I seemed to learn a few things about how to position my feet and my shoulders. I still have 10 days to land one. I hope it doesn’t take all 10 of those days.

(setup 8.25 null venture wide lights bones med bushings 51mm stfs es accents)