skate journal: switch flips on rampy flat while working from home (june 9, 2015 day 156)

i hate switch kickflips

Worked from home. Went out to Rampy 3 separate times for about 20 minutes each time. Tried switch flips. Failed. Tried an 8″ setup with 42mm, but got closer with my regular setup. Felt very depressed. Didn’t even really get too close. Wasn’t wearing my wrist guard and slammed on my wrist at the end. Ugh. I have never really tried to skate switch in my life and it’s showing. I landed one switch kickflip in my garage about 10 years ago. Not sure I have it in me to get another one.

(setup 8.25 null venture lights bones med bushings 51mm stfs nb+ quincy 254)