skate journal: FREMONSTERS day 3 #tightbros2015 in boulder (june 13, 2015 day 160)

A photo posted by Eric J Eckert (@ericjeckert) on

A nice sunny morning. The fremont heads and I went to campus first. We thought we wouldn’t last too long and would move on to another spot before others met up. Well, we know Carleigh was gonna meet up right away, but not sure about others. I gave them a little tour of campus and we hit the bank to fence. We were all stiff and tired to start. Eric had a goal of doing a footplant on the fence. It took him a bit, but he got it. Dan had some rad fakie pole jams. Joe did a front axle on the fence. Matt kind of did a casper. I did a few flippers. Carleigh showed and we moved on looking at a few more things. Dan did a rad manual to firecracker on the 1-7 stair. Carliegh ollied up the curb then rode down the 7 stair with authority. I tried to manual the downhill section and failed.

Then we wen to the long ledge. After a few attempts at skating it I gave up and chilled next to Eric. Carleigh was doing front 50s. Matt was filming a line of nose manual, nollie front tail, dolphin flip. Dan was filming it. Joe was working on front smiths and kickflip manuals. While sitting there I was telling Eric about my quest to film the stupid tail stall 270 shove out into the narrow path. He thought it sounded rad and we went over to try and film it. 151 tries later I came up empty handed again. I know it was 151 tries because that’s what Eric said. Ha. Eric did a cool little tail stall whip around on the rock. Then we went back to the ledge and heard the stories of the goodness that went down. I saw Neil do a couple last minute lines as Matt filmed. So yeah, Fuzz, Lazer and Neil had showed and minutes later Squeeks and Wade did too.

A video posted by Alex Covey (@squeeks_on_board) on

A video posted by Alex Covey (@squeeks_on_board) on

Last spot was this one. I was so beat I didn’t even get my board out of the car. Joe had a bunch of rad boardslides. Richard showed and was killing back nosegrinds. He didn’t quite get one, but wow he was going fast and it looked good. He did get a sick back 5-0. His friend was there too and almost did fakie front 50 across the gap. He also pretty much did some really fast and long front 50s to bigpin out. Almost 3 shove too. Squeeks put on his show with boardslide pushups and long front boards. Pretty impressive. Matt hucked some tricks near the end just to keep Richard going, but we got cut short by rain. It’s ok though because everyone was beat the the Fremonsters wanted to hit the road.

(setup 8.25 null venture lights bones med bushings 51mm stfs nb+ quincy 254s)