skate journal: lafayette park with ollie and masses of kids (june 25, 2015 day 171)

lafayette skakatepark

Ollie was sitting around playing video games yet again so I asked him if by chance he wanted to go to a skatepark. He immediately replied with sure. Whoa. So off to Lafayette we went for what I figured would be a short session. When we first got there it wasn’t crowded at all. My legs weren’t doing well. I’m not sure why. Argh. We both just kind of cruised around and did whatevs. Ollie still pushes mongo, but who cares. He cruises around pretty naturally. It’s awesome. He front 180’d off the little tight qp at the entrance of the park like 4 or 5 times. Tried to ollie up onto the manual pad and landed in rock, pulled it up with speed. Fakie shoves, back 50s in the mini pool coping in the middle of the park, close to kickflips. I tried a line for a long time of front 50 the manny pad, kickflip on flat then back 180 the tight qp at the entrance. Half the time I messed up the 50 or was cut off by masses of kids. I never got it, but landed on the back 180 a few times. Thats tall for me. Noseslid the hubba, halfcab flip on the bank, rock’n roll in the toilet bowl over some kids board. But for the most part I sucked. My best trick was the fact that we stayed there until 9. It was kind of my personal hell to skate around so many loud kids on scooters and bikes. IF Ollie wouldn’t have been there I never would have stayed.