skate journal: safeway avoiding the puddles with fuzz, matt and chase (july 7, 2015 day 183)

tried to get artsy, but it doesn't show  how long this was at all

@matthouse hauling ass ollie

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Matt and I rolled to Crisis in time to do bidness before 7 and not keep Fuzz there late. Shortly after 7 the concrete looked kind of dry and we pushed across the street to Safeway. The ledge was dry so we went out front. I was not feeling comfy on my board. We started doing these really long manuals. When I say “we” I mean everyone else. I couldn’t even hardly ollie up the curb and a sharp pain started forming in my left knee. Argh. Fuzz and Matt both did some really long manuals and I think Matt made the goal originally set by Fuzz. Then some other messing around occurred with some curb cuts. Matt and Chase ollied the long gap out of it. So gnar. Fuzz and I tried some little manuals around it. I managed a manual to little slash grind on the next one. It wasn’t much, but it did cheer me up. Then it dried up a little and we went to the ledge behind Safeway. Matt did a bunch of tricks right away. 5-0s, tails, fakie nosegrind 180. Fuzz and I struggled with back 50 then started trying switch front noses the Brandow way. We slid some, it was fun. We did some backside ones too. I hucked sw front nose bigspins out. Seemed possible, but not with how crappy I was feeling. Matt did like 3 switch treflips so we challenged him to do all 4 treflips. He took a bit with nollie tre, but he did them all. So sick. Then we started messing around with fastplants and stuff. Both Fuzz and I did the kickflip variation. I might have done the heelflip variation too, but it wasn’t as good as Fuzz’s. Matt did his first fastplant. Cool. We had fun.

(setup 8.5 null venture wide lights thunder bushings 51mm stfs lakai fura white)