skate journal: campus before work (july 14, 2015 day 190)


Nice morning. I work the late shift this week and I’m working from home since Liz and India are in NYC. Shortly before dropping Ollie off for work at 7:30am I realized it would be a great time to get out and skate. Naturally I went to campus instead of the park because I’ve been missing street skating more then anything lately. And well, Boulder park sucks. I ended up at this spot for my warm up. Did some side rocks and took awhile to land a fakie front rock on the side. It felt neat when I finally got it and it was a good warm up. I had done a few kickflips and manuals down the bank so I was ready to line something out.



So I started trying to ollie onto this ledge and ride off. There is about 8 feet of runway. Barely enough to get a decent push and setup for an ollie. I eventually managed. Then down the little hill I did a back 180 then switch front 180 then tried to boardslide the bench. I messed up the boardslide a few times and decided to move on anyway.


Went to this awesome ledge. Unfortunately there were cars. I still managed a few things before more cars made it less fun. Had noseslide and noseslide to fakie, crooks and almost back 50. Couldn’t get close to a fs noseslide.

tall ledge

Then I hit this for awhile. Got my first noseslide attempt and it felt good. Someone has recently skated and waxed it. I think at some point in my 20s I was able to front 50 this, but wow it seemed tall. I managed a few noseslides, one barely crook and slammed hard a few times trying front board pop out. The approach backside is very rough. I want to front 50 this again. I was beat after that. Looked at a few things, but ended up walking back to my car. I was surprised how many people were on campus that early. Lots of maintenance people driving carts around scaring me. Ha. Super stoked I went though and surprisingly enjoying my bigger wheels.

Then after work and dinner I went out and skated flat in front of the house while Ollie had friends over. It was sprinkling the whole time, but never enough to consider stopping. I haven’t skate flat like this in awhile and it showed. Especially with having a bigger setup now and newish shoes. But I still managed to land a few things and I seemed to skate a little faster so that’s cool. Got a few horrible 360 flips and my typical fakie flip tricks. After awhile I decided I wouldn’t try any more kickflip variation and went only heelflip, switch or nollie. I must look really dumb to my neighbors, because I didn’t land hardly anything. I got one unpopped b/s halfcab heel, but it felt really cool. Came close to varial heel and heel, nollie tre, nollie varial flip. Didn’t come close to switch flips or switch b/s flips (one can dream right?). I got pretty tired and was about to go in before I remembered to film a 43 shifty. The above clip explains it all. It took me 10 minutes to land that bad one.

(setup 8.5 null venture wide lights thunder bushings 54mm nulls es accel slims black/white)