skate journal: more valmont (aug 16, 2015 day 220)

If at first you don't succeed, wax, wax again.

If at first you don’t succeed, wax, wax again.

After a long day of filming and skating the day before it was mostly a family day. I got to get out for a couple hours during the hottest part of the day. Shortly after noon. I drove by Southern Hills hoping to skate there, but they were doing another one of those clean up the school things. Ugh. I was thinking of trying airwalks to fakie so I wanted to go somewhere else with a mellow bank and a ledge. Valmont again then. I felt a little better initially. I had setup a new board and put tiny risers (1/16) on. After some warmup no ollie noseslides I started trying real tricks and it became apparent that I wasn’t actually feeling better. In fact, I struggled way harder then the day before. I never got a back 50. Got a couple front 50s on the middle part. I had to wax like crazy to do so. Airwalks on flat were not happening so I never tried them on the “bank”. 360 flips went alright, landed a nollie varial flip. Hucked nollie inward heels for awhile which somehow seem like they would be easier then nollie heels which I’ve never landed. Had a fun run of kickflip up the curb, heelflip on flat, ollie off the loading dock. Also front 180 up the curb, halfcab flip on flat, front 180 off the loading dock. Started to feel warmed up. Got a couple brief front tailslides. I was at least trying them good enough that I would slide out sometimes. Tried front smith for awhile and got pretty close. Was trying switch front noseslide bigspin out too when it started raining. Doh. Went to the red curb valmont garage nearby and some dork in a BMW had to tell me that I wasn’t supposed to be skateboarding there. Thanks dude. I kept skating for awhile. Tried a line of slappy crooks, 360 flip on flat, fastplant the little median. Got close to the fastplant, but couldn’t get the 360 flip so I gave up thinking I could find some dry on the other side of town. Nope, it ended up raining for a couple hours.

(setup 8.1 null venture lows 1/16 riser thunder bushings 52mm stf v3 nb# pj stratford 533 cream)