skate journal: rampy with dave and riley (aug 18, 2015 day 222)

@siouxer666 came by corporate headquarters to pick up a board and shred Rampy.

A video posted by Null Skateboards (@null_skateboards) on

I was not feeling like skating and had to be around in case Ollie got home from Elitchs. Dave was working nearby and stopped by to peep footage and try to talk me into skating. After peeping some footage we saw it was raining and we went out to the garage. Shortly after Riley joined as he was coming over to get a board. It ended up being a session! Riley was skating my board and did all of this in about 30 minutes. Dave had some moves too that I will hopefully post soon. Riley’s tricks are above, he shredded hard. Dave unleashed a large bag too. He did pivot fakie, lots of back tails to fakie, Texas plant, back boneless, some other plants I don’t know the name of and a lot more tricks I’m forgetting. I did a lot of my standard Rampy tricks. It was fun. I will miss Rampy.

(setup 8.1 null venture lows thunder bushings 52mm stf v3 nb# pj stratford 533 cream)