skate journal: late shoves in the garage (oct 5, 2015 day 267)

oh werr

Went out to my garage on a cool and rainy night. Started with ollie/nollies/180s/shoves and I was feeling horrible. Tried to do ollies where I lifted my back foot. I was hating my board. For whatever reason the latest 8.1s that Generator sent are a lot shorter then normal and I hate it. I started thinking of tricks that would break the board and late shove came to mind (thanks Jack). An hour later I was coming close, but never quite got one. I did crack my board at least though. But I must admit it was on a regular pop shove. I setup an older 8.1 from the pile that is longer. Hurrah.

(setup 8.1 null venture lows 51mm spitfire f4 nb# pj stratford 533 white/gum)