skate journal: campus with dave early then filmer glen later (oct 10, 2015 day 272)

Sunrise powerslides

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Another early skate date with Dave. I was on call for work so I pushed for campus. Dave was down. I arrived at our meeting spot first and started with some powerslides down the little hill. Then worked up to really tech lines like front 180 onto the median and switch 180 off before more powerslides. Dave showed and snapped a photo of me sliding into the sunrise. I ended up flat spotting my wheels of course (they are Spitfires). We goofed around some more. Some manuals, fakie ollies and kickflips. Then we moved on to the gap to manny pad spot. We played around for awhile. I tried to wallie the parking block then do the gap to manual. Dave was working on gap to nose manual which I would film him do. Then Dave worked on 180 we played with some options going the other way. I was trying Chinese nollie off a curb, quick up the curb then ollie to 50 on the yellow part of the curb. Got kind of close. Dave was trying to 50 the other side of the gap and turn to noseslide/tailslide. We finished when Dave did a textbook front 180 nose manual regardless of what he says about it.

@fullertrron boardslide

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Then we went to a spot for me. I struggled to ollie up a ledge for awhile while Dave did boardslides. Then I filmed a line for awhile. Pop shove off a ledge, ollie onto another, ride off, noseslide another ledge in the downhill corridor. I would get a few times, each having something wrong with it. Oh well, I was hyped. Then we went to a new spot Dave had found which is super good. A mellow bank to curb that you have to ollie up a curb to get to. We did a few little noseslide variations. I got a slappy crooks. Dave did a ride on crooks to fakie. Then we checked out a gnarly spot that Dave somehow thought was skateable, before moving on to a curved curb that we did some boardslides. I did a few flippers. Dave did a sick ollie to disaster across it. Then we called it a day. After a quick lunch I met up wth Nullers and just pushed my filmer board around being pretty tired and not wanting to really skate anymore. I had fun with the Nullers though and the Crisis art show was a blast. Until we left. Oh poor Riley.

(setup 8.1 null venture lows 1/16 riser 51mm spitfire f4 nb# pj stratford 533 white/gum)