skate journal: boulder park creeping, manny pad and flatground and more boulder park creepy (oct 18, 2015 day 279)

Not feeling so great I went to Boulder park in hopes of doing a Creeper for the old man game of SKATE. There was hardly anyone there. Some scooter kids and Travis from Longmont who was ripping. I basically only tried Creepers and managed a couple bad ones.

manual dream spot

I sent one off to the judge and went to this spot. For awhile I skated flatground and after landing a trick would manual from the curb off the two stair. Tried nose manny too, but the cracks were too big. I didn’t get so many flip tricks because my shoulder was hurting worse. Then I started trying a hard line for me. From the right, ollie up the curb, ollie up the two, kickflip off the curb, kickflip up the curb, front 180 off the little drop. I was going way faster then normal and the first ollie up the curb was scary. I wanted to to the whole thing without pushing. It took a long time, but I would get it and I was very hyped. I did have to push after the kickflip up the curb, but it was only because I was kind of going the wrong way and had to slow down to turn around a bike rack. I was hyped though.

Then I met Nolan at the Brohlder park again. This time there were several people there. Nolan was bumming on it. Some dude kept trying similar tricks. It was funny. Then I tried Creepers forever until I got the one above. Nolan did front pivot to back pivot to fakie.

streets > boulder park

Then we went to the old folks home bank to curb/fence. It was immediately more fun. I got back axle, back pivot, front tail and no comply to tail all pretty quick. Nolan did a couple funny back tails, front pivot to fakie and a fence bash ollie out.