skate journal: nollie heels in the garage (oct 20, 2015 day 281)

Went out to the garage feeling sick and sore and not very motivated. After a few warm up manuals on the sheet of wood I started hucking nollie heelflips. Over and over, slowly, not getting close at all. I kept trying. They all felt like they would result in the board flipping, but it only flips half way. Out of the blue I landed on one! But alas I didn’t stay on it as I was too surprised. It gave me hope. But I didn’t land on another one. I went in feeling somewhat satisfied to have landed on my first nollie heelflip ever. One of these days I’ll get it! I was riding my garage board. I loved it.

(setup 8″ null thunders 42mm ojs emerica westgates grey)