skate journal: denver park, hard bank to ledge spot, crazy skate spot and a huge hubba (nov 1, 2015 day 293)

Dave and I pulled into Denver park at the same time. 7:30 am the morning after Halloween. I thought I would be in worse shape, but the extra hour of sleep from the time switch seemed to help out. It was crisp, but warming up quickly. We both did our own thing for awhile. Simon showed up and Dave and Simon played a game of SKATE that went a long time. I was basically just trying three lines over and over. Rock ‘n roll the bank to curb, manual the driveway, wallride. Never got the wallride. Argh. Then I tried a flipper, little b/s ollie the hip, rock fakie on qp and cab over the hip. Never got the cab. Flip tricks were feeling good at least. Last one was front 50 the bump to ledge near the entrance of the park, ollie the curb into the driveway (somehow hard for me) and just did an axle stall because that’s all I can do on tranny. Then Simon and I played a game of SKATE. He’s got moves! I got him with tricks like heelflip and 360 flip, but in the end he won it with tricks like cab and bigspin. It was a fun game.

Earlier this morning. Simon filming Dave. #thestubborns

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Then we went to this bank to ledge spot I’ve wanted to skate ever since Chad’s tricks there in the Sunny Daze video. And guess what? It was wayyy harder to skate then it looks. We all took awhile to land anything. Simon was probably first with front 50. Dave with a nose stall. I took the longest and my first trick was a crook jib. It was funny. Simon would go on to land front 5-0 and some solid noseslides. Dave had front 50, a front crook jib, a bunch of backside pivots. I couldn’t get front 50. I got some silly front nosestall 180s out and posed some kick back 50s for awhile.

Simon and @fullertrron ⬆️⬆️⬇️

A video posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Then we went to this spot which is way harder to skate then it looks. The runway is uphill so getting the speed is a chore. I did a kickflip on the bank and that was it. Dave and Simon went off. Dave did front 50s, back 50s (I think), back tail front 50 to spin, cab bigspin and more. Simon did the crooks to fakie and switch back 180 off the ledge a couple times. He also did crooks 270, front tail then back 180 off the ledge and more. I was too tired to push that hard so I started messing around with noseslide 270 shoves at the bottom on the ledge. It was fun. I ended up getting a bad one, but it still made me happy.

And now for my #thestubborns 'teaser'. 🔨🔨🔨 #oldmanskateboarding #henolliedintothatwow #clipperledge

A video posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Then we checked out some of the spots around the park and ended up at this huge hubba. We laughed, slammed and filmed us dork around. Simon did a front blunt too which had BA cheering. Fun day.

(setup 8.25 null venture lows 1/16 riser 4 washers venom bushings 50mm spitfire f4 101a nb# pj stratford 533 brown/gum)