skate journal: hippy jumps at blue skies lunch break (dec 2, 2015 day 322)

Skipped out for lunch at Blue Skies on a beautiful day. It was around 40 degrees and warming up. Most of the park had snow on it. All of the banks, the taller ledges, etc. The flat bar and small ledge were the only dry things. Warming up took awhile so I kind of just tried the 360 for awhile until I had one good enough for the game. It took awhile and I felt warmed up at that point. I started messing with a couple things as the next possible challenge. The hippy jump body varial or switch noseslide shove. I would get both, but the hippy jump body varial just seemed more fun so I went with it. I was quite scared and it took me awhile to commit. Once I did it was fun though, I have never done that over anything before. I somehow landed quite a bit of flippers too. 360 flip, b/s flip, halfcab flip, fakie bigflip, hmm, that list doesn’t sound very impressive after all. Last thing I did was try a line of ollie the flat bar, no comply 180 on flat then switch noseslide shove out (technically 270 shove i guess?). I managed to get the line and it felt awesome. Loving the big setup.

(setup 8.38 null venture wides bones medium bushings 50mm bones v1 stfs nb# pj stratford 533 black/white)