skate journal: commerce city and denver diy with nate! (dec 9, 2015 day 329)

@the_neviathan is here!!!

A photo posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

You know those people that you skate with really well? That you always have fun with. Nate is one of those people. I picked him up at the airport after working a half day. It was very nice out. I didn’t have a real plan and we ended up going to Commerce City park on a whim. Man that park is awesome. Especially when no one is there. We both just kind of carved around for awhile before the ollies and grinds started flowing. One of the first things we tried was to manual the long backside ledge. Neither of us got it, but for different reasons. Mine was that I couldn’t comfortably ollie that high. Ugh. Nate’s was that he couldn’t drop off that far. I went on to suck at back 50s, and well all grinds and slides. Nate on the other hand was totally ripping. Back 5-0s, back nosegrinds, front 5-0s, front tails to fakie, front lips, all easy. At one point he did a fakie back 50s first try. Ripping. I got close to a few nosegrinds, but basically didn’t skate the ledges worth a crap. Nate and I both kickfipped and back 180’d up the euro.

nollie nose manual shove yo

We hit this little manny pad for a bit too. I manualled it first try which beat Nate to the manual. But then I couldn’t nose manual it to save my life. Nate however, got to nollie nose manual shove out and I filmed it. Radical

denver diy skatespot

Then we went to the DIY spot and Carleigh and Lazer met us. Nate was ripping and hungry. He did lots wallies over the smaller qp, boardslide transfers, blunt transfers, wallies, ripping. Lazer did quite a few tricks on the qp. Carleigh was kind of in chill mode for obvious reasons (Crisis premiere a few hours away). I posed wallies. After awhile Carleigh, Lazer and I tried 10 tricks on the QP. Carleigh and I started out with the same few. Lazer rattled off a bunch of cool ones, the pivot on the side into the steep was rad. I was fishing for ideas for a 10th trick when Lazer suggested kickflip to fakie. I posed it. It felt doable. 50 tries later I landed it very poorly. It hyped me up. Off to dinner and the Crisis premiere!!!

(setup 8.38 null venture wides bones medium bushings 50mm bones v1 stfs nb# pj stratford brown/gum)