skate journal: lafayette with a fun crew (dec 11, 2015 day 331)


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Nate and I met John, Blake, Rob, Dave and Matt at the Lafayette park on a cool, but nice Friday around noon. We were the only ones at the park. This park rules when there aren’t a bunch of people there. Everyone kind of did their own thing to warm up. It seemed like there were quite a few people in the toilet bowl. Matt was front boarding and back lipping the bump to flat bar though. He’s good. Dave seemed to be on a mission. He was doing back 50s across the whole manny pad ledge and slappy crooks on the shark fin, he would eventually 50 up the whole thing too. So gnar. I got a couple front 50s to manual, but I was kind of plagued with that slow feeling and not very confident again. There was a ton going on, so it’s so hard to remember what everyone did. Eventually a hubba/ledge session would transpire. It was rad. Nate had boardslide and feeble down the round rail. Matt front lipped it, but that was probably too easy for him. Dave worked up to it and then did a bunch of boardslides to fakie with a ton of style. Blake had some moves down it too and did front 50 shove off the enlarged Pier 7 replica. I would eventually get a little noseslide on that too. Rob boardslide the whole bump to ledge, Nate 50’d it, Matt back tail’d it. John, Nate and Matt did ollies over the round hump in the snake run. We played a game of SKATE that Blake would eventually win with a 360 shove it. I had done decent earlier in the game until acquiring a bunch of letters from Rob tricks that I should probably have learned by now. Cab, backside no comply 360, and a couple others, but I was hyped to actually land a backside 180 one foot. After the game most of us tried 360 shoves for awhile. I think most people would get it. Then it was kind of a free-for-all and at one point Nate did a 360 shove, then John did an impossible and I followed with 360 flip. Fun times. Then it was off to eat with Rob and Nate which was awesome. Well, except there wasn’t much for me to eat, but hanging with those guys was cool at least.

After that Nate and I stopped at Arapahoe Ridge for what we figured would be a 5 minute skate before realizing we were too sore to skate. But nope, Nate shredded. I didn’t do much of anything, but after seeing Nate nose manual down the long 3 stairs I was able to nose manual down one set. Then I filmed Nate for awhile get the double down nose manual as well as a banger going up. Manual to nose manual to nollie shove up. Sick! Stubborns!

(setup 8.38 null venture wides bones medium bushings 50mm v1 stfs nb# pj stratford 533 brown/gum)