skate journal: blue snows with dave in warm 40 degree weather. then SWITCH FLIPS!!! (jan 13, 2016 day 13)

Lunch time at Blue Snows with Dave and extra obstacles ❄️. Can't believe how warm 40 feels! @fullertrron #day13

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Feeling more sore then normal I went to Blue Skies to meet Dave. It felt cool when we first started skating, but a few minutes in it felt quite nice. Warm ups were a pain especially with most of the bank covered. We got at it though. Dave brought the heat and it got me hyped. The ollie/180 quick feet is way harder then it looks. The ollie into the bank is sick. He also had fast front 50s on the ledge and made it up onto the next level (didn’t fit in 15second clip). Kickflips, almost feebles on the flat bar, noseslides. He was ripping. We both did the kickflip to fakie in the narrow with the snow. I got fakie flip at the end too. I was trying a line of ollie the first flat bar then heelflip on flat (never got it) or hippy jump (only got it once) and then a slow front tail on the ledge as a baby step toward not getting a letter. My flip trick game was ok. I got a bad treflip or two, came close to nollie inward heel, nowhere close to rick flip or fakie varial heel. At the very end we did these little front truck wallrides only holding on to the tallest ledge. It was rad. New trick! Gotta keep at that one. These sessions go by way too quick.

In trying to maintain “30 minutes of flatground a day” I went out to the garage on a decently warm night. It’s just so convenient to not have to drive and all that. I was so incredibly sore. I thought it was a stupid idea, but I tried anyway. Kickflips came. Treflips didn’t. Then I tried switch kickflips for like 30 minutes straight. I wasn’t close at all initially, but after a few tries I was committing. However the board normally only flipped half way. I kept at it, got insanely close to one. THEN LANDED ONE! That is my second switch flip ever and my first in over 10 years. I would go on to kind of land another one, but it had landed primo for a second then fell into the make. Ha. Either way I was hyped. When I landed the switch flip I ran into the house and gave Ollie a bunch of high fives as he was trying to get his homework done. I went on to also land a frontside flip, heelflip and eventually a nollie varial flip. Maybe the first time ever that I’ve landed at least one nollie, switch, heel and regular flip trick. Hyped! The flip tricking seemed to make the pain go away. It makes no sense to me, but it’s normally the case that this happens. Maybe all the movement breaks up my arthritis. I don’t know. But I’m glad it didn’t make me even more sore.

(setup 8.25 null venture 5.2 hi’s 3 washers inside 52mm spitfire 99a F4 bones med bushings nb# pj stratford 533 burgundy)