skate journal: hucking in the garage (jan 25, 2016 day 25)

Went out to the garage feeling sore and tired. I put Aural Burrows on the tape player and began the hucking. I did a couple 180s or whatever then started hucking switch heels. Then after a few kickflips and a heelflip that took too long I went into huck mode of switch flips up the garage and nollie back heels down. I came very close to switch flip and somehow nollie back heel felt doable. I never got close, but I did commit. The board just never flipped all the way around. I finished with b/s and f/s flips and called it a night.

(setup 8.25 null venture 5.2 hi’s 3 washers inside 52mm spitfire 99a F4 bones med bushings nb# pj stratford 533 burgundy)