skate journal: yellow curbs with rob then some garage flatground (may 7, 2016 day 128)

It must be the weekend because the weather was crap. Cooler and raining. At least it wasn’t snowing I guess. I got to Yellow Curbs first. It’s been a long time since we’ve been there, it used to be a bust, apparently it’s not anymore. Man it’s a fun garage. I cruised around for awhile before settling into a line attempt. Back 50, front slappy the tiny curb, nose manual another section. I never got the nose manual. Sometimes I would do slappy crooks instead. Rob showed and got in the groove quickly with manuals and long back 50s out of the gate. We had a really fun session. Rob did a bunch of nose manuals, nose manual to front lip, lap over front lips, wallie nollies, no comply manual, no comply up and then kickflip off, front shove off, a lot of radness. I got a few back 50s (that trick is so hard for me), front 50s, front 5-0, slappy crooks, one slow slappy hurricane that felt awesome, remotely close to front nosegrind, struggled with kickflips up the curb, close to b/s flip off. I had started my day off 10-0 on kickflips, so that was good. Fun session.

After driving to Denver in the rain and back I had an hour or so before Carleigh’s party so I skated flatground in the garage. Got kickflip and heelflip then just started hucking. Nollie flips, varial heel and nollie heel. I landed none of them. I did land on some varial heels though. Close to nollie flip. Remotely close to nollie heel, but felt like I learned better foot placement and how to pop it.

(setup 8.25 null awkward vector, venture lows, bones medium bushings, 3 washers on inside of axles, 51mm stf v2, New Balance Numeric PJ Stratford 533 burgandy/gum)