skate journal: stubborns on campus and trying to nollie flip (may 18, 2016 day 139)


After work I went home and changed my setup. I put some old Thunder trucks on. I’ve been stubborn for awhile about Ventures. I like how they look, I like how they feel on some tricks, but the lows are limiting and since I haven’t been landing much anyway, I decided to try a change. I was running late to meet Rob and Dave at 6 and then there was a graduation ceremony on campus which made me park like a mile away from the meet up spot. When I finally arrived Dave and Rob were trying to ollie the flat gap between the manual pads. I wasn’t up for that so I just played warm up on the banked ledge. My first kickflip felt extra good. Guess those Thunders are light! I had just watched Busenitz’ part in Away Days so I was pretty hyped. I had a fun line of front 180 off the little ledge, switch front 180 over the manhole and then noseslide the ledge. Then we were captured by the man and asked to chill while they confirmed we weren’t some hostile youth. It was chill. Rob took it the hardest. Then we started up again in the parking lot. Dave ollied the gap again. I dorkingly ollied to axle stall. Rob almost did manual to manual to boardslide so I started filming. He never quite got it, but got a rad line. Dave was getting served trying to do switch nose manuals.


Eventually we left for the bank spot by the stadium. I had to warm up again. Rob slayed it quick with kickflips, wallie nollies on the wall, one foots, more, then bolted. Dave slammed hard a few times. It was his theme of the day. Then we just tried nollie flips to fakie over and over since it was my new challenge. Both of us got close on a few, but were very inconsistent.

(setup 8.25 null abstract 5 deck, thunder 147 lights stock bushings, 3 washers on inside of axles, 50mm bones stf v1, New Balance Numeric PJ Stratford 533 burgandy/gum)