skate journal: nollie flip failing (may 20, 2016 day 141)

Skateboarding sucks the big one sometimes

A video posted by glen gillinghammer (@corpoglenny) on

Went right to ‘work’ after a long day of work on nollie flips. Straight to this bank again. Warming up sucked, but not as bad as trying nollie flips over and over. Dave had some fakie flips that I thought were nollie flips at first and his pop shove body varial. I went home feeling pretty depressed and bummed on this game of OLDFART I’m signed up for.

(setup 8.25 null abstract 5 deck, thunder 147 lights stock bushings, 3 washers on inside of axles, 50mm bones stf v1, New Balance Numeric PJ Stratford 533 burgandy/gum)