skate journal: flatground in the morning then filmer glen in the afternoon (july 2, 2016 day 184)

Blurry morning trizzle warm up. CU ist pretty

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Woke up pretty early. I was hyper, but my legs were not feeling great. I went and found some flatground on campus and went through a few basics before getting hung up on treflips again. Well, I guess I did a few, but never got one that felt great. I didn’t really get any tricks I was hyped on, although I did land a lot of my basics.

stoppers suck

Not wanting to only skate flatground I pushed into this area. I was incredibly sore. I don’t get it. I tried some lines. Back 180 off the little 2 stair in the background then switch boardslide the last ledge. Never got the switch boardslide. Going the other way I did a slow ollie onto the lowest ledge and got over the stoppers then did a front 180 up the two stair. I tried some noseslides on the ledge too, but it was kind of sticky and weird.

this ledge sucks

Then I took a couple pushes and ended up at this perfect looking ledge. Except it’s terrible. It does not grind. Granted, I didn’t wax it, but I put a couple front 50s in as tender as I could and it didn’t budge. Got into some back 50s which kind of hyped me up, a crooks jib and some switch noseslides on the other ledge after this one.

Today was a good one. 📸 @oldfartatplay

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Then I played Filmer Glen. I skated a little at Wilville, but not really. Hayden got some cool stuff at Wilville. Then we went into campus, Jack made a dream of mine come true and Riley and Hayden got some more cool stuff too. I love these people.

(setup 8.25 null awkward vectors deck, thunder 147 HL stock bushings, 3 washers on inside of axles, 51mm bones stf v1, New Balance Numeric PJ 533 burgundy)