skate journal: boulder park before work (july 13, 2016 day 195)

Got up somewhat early and had sometime before the late shift at work so I went to Boulder park around 8 am. There were a few people there, luckily almost all skaters. 1 crazy fully padded mongo pushing sketch machine, a scooter kid that was getting a little old to still be on a scooter, a normal highschool kid, a bandana wearing snow bro and a total flowing ripper. For awhile I just kind of rolled around the park not really sticking to anything. I eventually did a kickflip out of a bump then front 50 down the little ledge which is quite fun. Also got a little b/s flip over the hip 3rd try. Had a scary slam on a dinky little frontside ollie over the hip. Not sure what happened there. Then spent the last few minutes trying nollie tre over the hip. It hyped me up to try it and I got really close so it felt great.

(setup 8.12 Habitat Suciu deck, venture low lights, standard thunder bushings, 1/16″ riser, 3 washers inside each axle, 51mm STF V1, NB# PJ Stratford 533 navy/red)