skate journal: longmont park right after work depression (aug 31, 2016 day 244)

Feeling pretty good throughout the day I went to Longmont park right after work. I was the only one there initially. I was more sore then I anticipated and warming up was super hard. I cruised around. I stretched a little. I felt better. Starting trying some lines, tricks, etc. Did the fun line of cali grind, boardslide, boneless, back tail transfer the hip, b/s flip on the little bank. Dave showed around when I did a switch noseslide 270 shove and a fakie flip. I started thinking of the switch noseslide 450 shove for the game and immediately started getting depressed with each failed attempt. Riley showed up and immediately made me feel old. Manual, switch manual, nose manual, switch nose manual, back 5-0. Dave had a nice nose manual quickly. Then we were on the bank area above for awhile. Riley was doing lines starting with the ledge then the hips. Garrett too. Dave was trying the Creepy spin on the bank. Its’ hard because you have to do a rock fakie and get setup quickly. He got a couple though. He wasn’t hyped on them, but I think they were sick. I was trying fakie tres. Well, this was after failing a couple rock fakies which meant I needed to roll in, but I didn’t have the courage which kicked the depression up a notch. Then not landing fakie tres kicked it up more. I felt really bad being around friends, I probably hid how I truly felt pretty well, but I was really not doing well mentally. I wanted to focus my board and leave it at the park. Instead I tried to do the fun run again and stubbed my thumb bad enough to detach part of my thumbnail. It stung. Riley, Garrett and Dave were having fun. I sat and watched for awhile. Those people are rad. I hope I get out of my funk. Maybe a smaller setup will help!?!?! Ha ha. I do think changing setups hypes me up somehow though. Here I am 244 days into my goal of 366 days. 2/3 of the year gone. It’s been rough lately. I look forward to resting in 122 days.

(setup: 8.5 null message deck, venture 5.8s, thunder bushings, 52mm reed wheels, steele/gum new balance numeric pj 533)