skate journal: broomfield feeling a little better with chad then rob (sept 11, 2016 day 255)

Met up with Chad at the Broomfield park around 9:30 am. I was feeling a little better then yesterday, meaning I could squat a little at least. Warming up was ok. Quartapotty tricks, blue ledge, parking block. Chad was pretty tired from his baby keeping him up and had a sore ankle. I had some ok runs going like switch 180 into the bank, crooks the ledge, front rock the brick qp then slappy crooks the parking block. Chad was almost doing front nosegrinds on the black ledge, front tails on the blue ledge. Chad left and I kept skating as Rob was on the way. I got a few tricks like front 50 shove on the black ledge, haflcab noseslide, more basic tricks. Got a line of kickflip on the hump, back 180 into the bank, halfcab noseslide. Rob showed. He manualled the top of the park quickly, crooks the ledge, boardslides, tailblocks the hump. I got a really, really bad back 50 on the black ledge, a little line of switch noseslide then the fakie triple rock on the wedge. I guess that’s pretty much it, seems like more happened, but I’m struggling to remember right now.

(setup null riley persing 8.125 deck, venture 5.2 v-hollow lows, thunder bushings, 3 washers inside each wheel, 51mm STF V1, new balance numeric pj 533 steel/gum)