skate journal: fun times with friends at broomfield park (sept 15, 2016 day 259)

Old guy fun. @43shifty @_f_u_z_z @iamnotacreepyjake

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Met up with the dudes at Broomfield park around 7. Well, Rob and Jake were there, but Fuzz was still closing up shop. Both dudes were killing it already and the park wasn’t very crowded. I was a little sore after several days without a ‘day off’. Jake was skating the Pier 7 ledge when I got there. First 50, then 5-0. I told him I’d get his back with 50 on his 5-0 and he went and did it. I got into the 50, but not out of it. Luckily he moved on so I didn’t have to keep skating it. Rob was all over the park doing manuals, back 50s, tailblocks, halfcab noseslides, he had some fire going. I struggled with front 50s on the black ledge. Not sure why. Oh yeah, I had a new board, it felt good. It’s the longest 8.1 that Generator makes and it’s my favorite pointy shape. We played a game of SKATE. I had to double or nothing a kickflip. Yikes. Jake got first try treflip and I got a crappy double or nothing defensive make. I was happy to do it though. Jake would go on to win with 3 shove and fakie 3 shove and nollie bigspin (can’t believe I got a letter on that). Then we skated around. I was trying a flatground trick then pivot to fakie on the quartapotty. I got really close, probably close enough to call it a defensive make. I was still pivoting to fakie on the tranny rather then just going in. I had some fun flippers as setups like nollie tre and heelflips. Fuzz showed and played a game of SKATE with drunk kids. Ha. I got another treflip, felt good. Rob did halfcab boardslide on the sad ledge. Jake did the noseblunt. I tried front smith to front rock for awhile and didn’t get it. Rob and Fuzz did their doubles, I did my boardslide and we called it a session. We went over to Fuzz’s and nerded out on youtube clips. It was awesome. I need to hang with my friends more.

(setup null message 8.125 deck, venture 5.2 v-hollow lows, thunder bushings, 3 washers inside each wheel, 51mm STF V1, new balance numeric pj 533 steel/gum)