skate journal: lafayette with carleigh, nolan, garrett and a bunch of scooter kids (nov 5, 2016 day 310)

i blame trump for the dumbing down of america and the rising popularity of scooters

Carleigh and I headed to Lafayette after a day where I had watched Jason for a long time. It was beautiful out. I’m not sure if I remember an autumn this full of great weather in CO. We arrived to a park full of scooter kids. Ugh. We kind of each did our thing for a bit. My favorite thing about Lafayette is there are some easy grinds that feel great. Front 50s on the little granite pad are incredibly fun. Garrett and Nolan showed pretty much right after we got there. After awhile we had a stair session. Well, everyone else did. Garrett and Nolan kickflipped the 3. Carleigh got the line of ollie the 3 then noseslide the hubba. That’s what I wanted to do as well, but I couldn’t get the 3 stair ollie. Ugh. It took me getting pissed about all of the scooter kids and venting about how much I hate skateparks before I could do it, but when I landed the line it felt really fun. I also took awhile to get the fun line of back 180 into the first bank, switch 180 into the second then kickflip to fakie on the bank. Also fun. Those three tried pop shoves down the 3 stair for a bit, I don’t think anyone got one, but Nolan was doing them poppy everywhere else. Carleigh also got one into the bank. Oh yeah, I forgot how bad I slammed at one point. I rolled down the bank with speed for the bump to ledge and hit a rock and went down hard. Ugh, that definitely took me out for awhile. Felt good to get outside and skate with homies.

(setup 8.125 null message deck, venture 5.2 low custom hollow trucks with 3 washers inside each axle, 1/16″ riser, stock thunder bushings, 52mm spitfire f4 classic 101a wheels, bronson bearings, new balance numeric pj stratford 533 navy shoes 12)